π Don't take our word for it
Find out why thousands of marketers, entrepreneurs and agencies love using Ocoya.
Scheduled maintenance alert
Push a button, post on all socials.
Social media - using AI.
It's like having ChatGPT, Canva and Hootsuite at your fingertips.
Scheduled Maintenance Alert.
The site is down for a bit of maintenance right now. Some of your services might get interrupted. Soon we'll be up and the sun will shine again.
We help you generate and post content quickly - both manually and automatically.
Our AI assistant helps you generate marketing text for social media posts or blogs in 26 languages.
Alternative to - ChatGPT, Jasper
Create images, videos or music for social media. Or put it all on autopilot.
Alternative to - Canva, Zapier, IFTTT
Plan, schedule and approve content at optimal times. Even for years upfront.
Alternative to - Hootsuite, Buffer
Instant recommendations on performance or reach with automated reporting.
Alternative to - Sprout Social, Hootsuite
Forget Photoshop. Discover thousands of image or video templates. Create manually within our dashboard or automatically - all powered by our AI.
Ever heard of Generative Social Media? There's no faster way to produce content. Here's why.
Generated marketing text, powered by AI.
Automatic on all socials.
Integrate your shop and produce professional graphics in seconds.
Integrated with:
Collaborate with teams or clients to plan and review campaigns together.
Supported Channels:
Yes, we've partnered and integrated with most of the major platforms across social media, design and ecommerce sectors.
We have partnered with marketing experts, investors and advisors from Italy, United Kingdom, Israel and the U.S.
Find out why thousands of marketers, entrepreneurs and agencies love using Ocoya.